Sovereignty. Unity. Abundance.

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Welcome to The Pearl Temple

You are here because you are most likely a Soul who is on an accelerated path of ascension.

Not just a personal ascension path, but one that is tied to the collective evolution of humanity.

You have a deep calling within your heart to make a difference in this lifetime and your Soul has come to lay the foundations for a Higher New Earth Consciousness to be built for our future ancestors.

You may not fully know yet how that vision will become a reality, but you can feel the stirrings of it in your heart getting stronger by the day.

Whether you are a light worker with a Soul mission to help others heal and ascend, or your vision is more anchored into providing a deliciously aligned and abundant life for your family, your Soul has led you to the right place.

This is the place where you get to excitedly explore and activate the fullness of your multidimensional Soul self so that you can better lead your human towards that vision that’s burning brightly within.

It’s the place for self mastery, where you will learn how to lovingly witness yourself in your wholeness and hold yourself through any mental, emotional, physical or spiritual obstacles without getting attached to the outdated, old paradigm templates and stories of fear, scarcity and separation that have kept you from flowing with purpose towards your vision in the past.

Your life of inner and outer abundance, love and  joy is yours for the taking, and I know that you have what it takes to get there, because I walked that path myself and laid the foundations to light the way ahead for you, so that together, we can start creating a collective future of sovereignty, unity and abundance.

I’m Maria, your ascension guide, mentor, and coach.

I’ve been on my own accelerated ascension journey for the last 20 years, and I’ve been facilitating other beautiful Soul’s for nearly 10 of those.


Signature Programs


Sovereign Frequency Mentorship


Spend 6 months in healing mentorship with me + learn how to not only start living your purpose, but also read + heal your Akashic energy so that you can confidently start to make moves in your life that you never thought were possible. No more procrastination, no more fear, no more doubt; just full out confident life living as both a human + Divine Soul Intelligence.

The Initiation

This group energy healing program was born out of my own series of initiations that i was organically taken through + that allowed me to shift my limitations + step into a more Sovereign frequency. Ancestrally heal your abundance, trust, + worth wounds, activate your inner sovereign power + start speaking your Truth. It was the most transformative group program I’ve ever run.

Energy Mastery

This workshop is an essential for us all during these energetically frenetic times, but especially if you’re an empath. It guides you through the fundamentals of energetic intelligence + integrity, such as learning how to energetically shield yourself, understanding the unseen energetics impacting your life + also includes a powerful Energy cleansing + re-calibration infused with Crystalline Dragon energy.